Friday, March 8, 2013

The power of session-level analytics reporting in Sitecore Analytics

Some background on session-level analytics in Sitecore:

The conversation often comes up when discussing Sitecore Analytics: "when should I use Sitecore Analytics and when should I use xyz Analytics?".  The use of multiple analytics tools, the coordination between them, and/or the decision to standardize on one analytics tool is a significant topic, but from my perspective it's simply important to consider what the landscape of Sitecore Analytics provides.  On the surface:
  1. Sitecore has incredible analytics drill-down capabilities--from a list of recent visits, to all visits from a particular company or source, to an individual visitor, to an individual visit.
  2. Sitecore offers standardized OLAP cube data, and a set of sophisticated business intelligence dashboards
  3. Probably most importantly, Sitecore provides ACTIONABLE analytics.  Your reports are right there in your power tool of content authoring and publishing.  Now you can DO something with that analysis right away.
  4. Sitecore provides incredibly compelling segmentation possibilities.
Together these capabilities span the spectrum of the ultra-specific (an almost Tealeaf style capability of watching an individual session which could be interesting for many situations such as a high-price ecommerce transaction, evaluation of a sample session for usability, etc.) to the ultra-summary (the rolling up and tearing back down based on my own business’ dimensions or facets).

So for today, let’s get ultra-specific.  For those of you that have read other articles about Launch Sitecore, you’ll know that our purpose is pretty specific—create an evaluation package that’s best-in-class so that our prospects can quickly learn that Sitecore is the best platform choice on the planet.  For those of you that understand our Engagement Plans, you’ll know that this process looks like this:
  1. Through demonstrations and technical deep dives, our Sales Engineering team builds interest in having a prospect visit
  2. While enjoying some articles about Sitecore, our visitor is really urged to login or register to get to the good stuff (the download of the package itself).
  3. After registering, the visitor wants to download the package (the site itself that they can apply to their local test installation of Sitecore).
  4. After a glorious evaluation of the product, the visitor (now our customer) tells us how great the experience was in an incredibly over-simplified feedback form.
So, since this is only intended to be marginally real-world, let’s go through this is a visitor, all in one visit and see what we get on the other end from the reporting side.

The Simulation:

First, visit

Since we’re simulating a brand new visitor, we’ll go ahead and register:

We are so excited about Launch Sitecore, we want to get our hands on the package right away, and we choose to download the version for Sitecore 7.x:

As we read a Digital Marketing System focused article, we check out the slide out at the top right of the screen, used to show the type of information Sitecore is collecting about our visit.  We notice that we've been categorized in the Digital Marketer Audience Segment (based on a number of articles we've read, including the "Create a Goal" article.  We also notice that it seems we are investigating the site to a level that shows we have a "Detailed" interest in the content.  We're not just reading the home page--we've investigated some detailed articles about the Sitecore Digital Marketing System.

The Reporting:

In the Sitecore Marketing Center, we can find the Latest Visit report.  Lots more to talk about around this reporting interface itself (including filters, date ranges, etc.), but for today let’s get to the info about our simulation.  First, since I’m in my home office on a snowy New England day, I’m behind my Comcast ISP account.  Beyond the scope of this article is my ability to tag my visitor sessions with additional information (from forms filled in, from authentication events, etc.) that could further identify my visitors.  In addition, I chose to “categorize” all Comcast Cable visitors as “My Company”.  (I could have categorized this as “ISP” or anything else I’d want to use to describe visitors from the Comcast DNS resolution).

I could drill down to all Visits from Comcast Cable by clicking on that link.  That would then show me more specific visitor sessions (possibly with specifically identifying tags).  Since I just ran through the simulation, I know this session is mine and I’ll bypass that by clicking on the link under the Date & Time.


Now at the Visit (Session) Detail report, I get a nice snapshot of my overall visit.  Some things to notice:
  • We were able to tag the session with “MikeBlogTest” (the name I used to Register with the site)
  • We see that I visited by clicking on a link within my Blog
  • We see the total value of the visit was 85 Engagement Value points (with the breakdown of goal achievement following)
  • We get a nice breakdown of the Pattern Card shape that is emerging from my visit—the specific content profile key attributes that are accumulating based on my content consumption.

Further down in the report, we start to get even more detail about the visit, including:
  • The fact that my Campaign was triggered
  • Fields that were filled out in our registration form
  • Pages visited and specific duration for those page views
  • Goals achieved (Register)

Another page, and more detail to round out the entire session.  More goals and fields filled in.  One interesting thing I want to point out here is that we actually captured an “error” on the site (line 17).  Error is in quotes here since, depending on how we handled it in the application, this could have been completely invisible to the visitor.  While this isn’t in any way a sophisticated error handling technique (it’s not meant to be), it could provide incredibly valuable information to the reviewer of the report in the context of the site visit.  What this tells the reviewer is that when a visitor clicked on a Search Result, there was no presentation assigned to the item clicked on.  A nice bit of usability testing after the fact (hey, we can’t catch everything in QA).


The Summary:

While not every analysis requirement will focus on an individual session or individual visitor, it is important to know that we can drill down to this level.  This gives us an incredible foundation to consider ties to transactional systems (Ecommerce), CRMs and other data sets to develop a full picture of our customer experience and value.  This is the ultimate leaf of the analytics tree, while keeping the ability to aggregate and roll back up to the branches.  By rolling back up, we will be able to get this same insight at the company level (all visits from one of our prospects), at the Pattern level (with Sitecore's ability to model the audience segments, now I can use those segments to hold aggregate analytics), and much more....

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Using Sitecore Engagement Plans as an Audience Segmentation Tool

Engagement Plan as Audience Segmenter

I've been kicking around the idea of, instead of strictly mapping out a customer journey with Sitecore Engagement Plans, to instead use them as a visual audience segmentation tool.  With the great analytics that Sitecore is collecting, this seems like a natural extension to be able to divide the visitors within that analytics data into well-defined categories of patterns.  I'll end this post with an idea that could be added to the current Sitecore concept of Pattern Cards (with your great development addition, of course).

An example audience segmentation Engagement Plan

The idea is this: use the States and Conditions of Sitecore’s Engagement Plan to get a visual indication of the distribution of your audience based on any segmentation criteria.  Since the Rules Engine is so nicely involved in the Engagement Plan Condition checks, this to me is an incredibly natural use of this tool.

The Idea in Launch Sitecore

Here’s how it falls out for Launch Sitecore.  Our audience segments are clearly defined by the groups we envision might visit us at  However, this definition is strictly based on content consumption—using Sitecore’s Pattern Card matching, we simply watch for the thresholds between these content consumption patterns.  If someone is reading a lot of articles around Sitecore’s Digital Marketing System, we might conclude he appears to be a marketer.  While this is really cool and easy to do, I have always thought that these patterns need to be a bit more descriptive, inclusive of content consumption patterns and potentially a lot more.  In addition, the definition of this pattern should be flexible and open to change on an ongoing basis—without development.

Talking to a lot of smart partners and clients lately has verified my assumptions.  As we get into the real-world use cases, we talk about all the attributes that should come together to fully define a marketing persona—everything from campaigns to keyword use in search to “known” profile attributes in CRMs to landing pages to referral sources.

Enter the Rules Engine

Enter the Sitecore Rules Engine and the perfect modeling environment for this situation.  Back to Launch Sitecore and our example.  As a simple start, all I want to do is segment my visitor traffic between two opposing possibilities—the visitor appears to be a Marketer or the visitor appears to be a Technologist.  We know that a couple of our Patterns nibble at this persona, and through content consumption our visitor might look like Mark the Marketer, or Devon the Developer.  But what we’re shooting for here is a much richer definition of the age-old split between marketer and technologist.  (By the way, if you consider yourself the perfect marriage of both, give me a shout).

First, we begin with a State that everyone is going to start their journey in:
The initial Engagement Plan state that all our visitors start in

We also get to decide which visitors we want in this plan.  For example, we might only want to evaluate visitors from a certain campaign.  Maybe I'm writing lots of articles on digital marketing subjects, and I want to test if the readers of those articles exhibit what I've defined to be "marketer" behavior on the site.

For the visitors we decide to track in this Engagement Plan, the first assumption is that we don’t yet have enough information to define them as Marketer or Technologist.  But we can immediately rectify that by invoking the Rules Engine in our first condition check.  We could check for either, but we chose to to first see if we should deem this visitor as technical.

A set of conditions we can check for to see if some one is "a technologist"
Our Condition invokes the Rules Engine where we can build a very sophisticated grouping of attributes that, for us at Launch Sitecore, peg someone with the Technical label.  We’re going to use the Pattern Card matches as a possibility (now grouping a couple of them together that represent our two technical Patterns), as well as including an additional possibility that someone got to Launch Sitecore using the word “development” in their search phrase (i.e., “Sitecore development”).

While this is a simple example, hopefully you’re seeing the possibilities here.  Never mind how rich the out of the box condition set is in Sitecore (geography, site, where you are in the content hierarchy itself, etc., etc.), we also know that this condition could be absolutely anything you dream up that returns a true/false.

If the condition returns true, we’re done and place the visitor in the Technical bucket:
A state for those we've deemed to be Technologists
If the overall condition returns false, we drop down to the check for the Marketer:

A set of conditions we can check for to see if some one is "a marketer"
As before, we are able to reuse our initial logic around Pattern Cards, with Connie and Mark combining forces as a possible reason to label a visitor as a Marketer.  In addition, we look for a search keyword containing DMS (Digital Marketing System) as well as a check for my MarchBlogBlitz campaign.  Since many of my articles in this time period are covering Analytics, I’m making the assumption that we have some Marketers on our hands.  Keep in mind the ability to replace the “or”s for “and”s, giving us possibly more granular condition definition.  As above for the Technical case, if this multi-clause condition returns true, we dump the visitor in the Marketing bucket.

Nice little trick if both of these checks return false.  We simply put the visitor back into the Undecided state and let other things trigger another check (maybe the next check is done on a follow up Goal, Page Visit, Login Event or anything else we might wait for our visitor to accomplish).  We do this by one last Conditional check, which always returns True:
Send the visitor back until we're sure
Here’s another look at the overall plan:
The full audience segmentation Engagement Plan
Pretty simple, but sky’s the limit.  One really cool idea that fits nicely into this is a very simple geography breakdown.  I could have, for instance, three states representing West, Central, and Eastern United States and immediately drop visitors into those states as they enter the site based on our GEOIP resolution.  (Since I am in the world of ideas only here, be sure to appreciate performance implications of making such wholesale checks).

Manually test how a visitor maps to the plan

One last really cool thing.  Since I have lots of visitor information in our Launch Sitecore site, I can even run a visitor through my new Engagement Plan.  Using the Supervise features of Engagement Plans, I grabbed my user (the Visitor associated with my Facebook authentication).  I moved that User to my new plan and the Undecided State.  In Supervise, I can manually press the trigger:


Since my Conditions are checked at Session End (among other events), I chose to run the Session End Trigger.

Sitecore goes through the entire logic of my plan and determines that my user account should be placed in the Marketing bucket.

The results of manually sending someone through the plan
Way cool.

NOW GO DOWNLOAD LAUNCH SITECORE.  (Need to get that great data for my reporting experiment).  I’ll let you know how our audience trends between this new Marketing and Technologist segmentation.

Extra Credit

For the interested student and the great developer….

Where I think this would be even more interesting is to use this same logic in the Pattern Card feature of Sitecore.  My prototype took all of 2 seconds (since it doesn’t in any way work).  But for an enterprising developer that adds the Rules logic to the Pattern Card check, this seems like a killer feature:


This becomes especially interesting considering Pattern Cards are an automatic dimension of Sitecore’s Analytics reporting.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Modeling a campaign in both Google Analytics and Sitecore Analytics

I’ve been off busy gathering lots of great data for my ongoing investigation into using Google Analytics and Sitecore Analytics side by side.  (OK, I haven’t been writing for a while and that’s my excuse).  Now I am just about ready to tackle the reporting side of my experiment.  Before doing that, I realized that there’s a little bit of cleanup I needed to do to make sure I’m modeling a similar environment in both analytics systems.  In my next set of articles, I’ll be evaluating GA reports against Sitecore’s Engagement Intelligence Analyzer reports for some typical expectations—page views, time spent on page, traffic sources, browsers and devices, etc.  In addition to the typical, I will then try to highlight additional insight that each tool is able to provide (Sitecore profiles, traffic segmentation, conversion funnels, engagement plans).

As described in previous posts, I already have the Conversion (GA) / Goal (Sitecore) of “Download Launch Sitecore” set up in both systems.  Today I will set up one last facet—a campaign.  In follow up articles, I will use campaign codes to see the resulting traffic from this series of articles.  I will call it “MarchBlogBlitz”.  I will be shameless in my attempt to get you to download Launch Sitecore in every article, annoying you to the point where you just have to visit the site and click the download button.  I want a spike in traffic, lots of conversions, and pretty reports.  Goal defined, and thanks for your help.  NOW GO DOWNLOAD LAUNCH SITECORE. (Of course, register or login first).

Welcome back.

First, the campaign in Sitecore:

We have a folder of campaigns (a campaign category) called “SE Driven Traffic”.  Our team can use these campaigns to identify traffic sources (across channels) and we can have a little competition to see who on the Sales Engineering team can drive the most traffic to Launch Sitecore.


In the Marketing Center in Sitecore, I am able to easily insert a new Campaign in this category.  My Campaign is called MarchBlogBlitz.


There are a few additional fields that we could fill out, but for now let’s just concern ourselves with the Campaign Link (which is already filled out for us).  This is the query string that will tell Sitecore that incoming traffic is part of this new campaign.  sc_camp is the default query string parameter that Sitecore uses, but this is technically configurable.  The GUID after the equals sign can also be changed, but for my purposes I’m going to leave it as is.  In fact, my shameless attempts at sending you to Launch Sitecore are already using this Campaign ID.

One REALLY interesting thing here is that we could very easily add a Visitor to an Engagement Plan state.  If I took one small additional step, I could have a very simple and nice Engagement Plan in Sitecore that allows me to watch a Campaign Visitor as he progresses through some states towards my end goal of DOWNLOADING LAUNCH SITECORE.  (Something for the next campaign and experiment).

So off to Google.  Google allows you to define any number of custom campaigns (this is separate from the money making AdWords feature).  Defining a campaign is as simple as adding some predefined query string parameter attributes within your traffic source links.  Google has a handy tool to create your URLs based on these attributes.  For mine, I am including only those that are required (there are many to fully organize your campaigns):


Done.  The resultant URL from Google is:, which I will use everywhere.  Of course, I will add additional query string parameter from Sitecore (sc_camp=E8D2CAF7FDAB4383A473E350F2FA81B3) and I’m off to the races with my comparison.  NOW GO DOWNLOAD LAUNCH SITECORE SO I CAN CREATE SOME COOL REPORTS.
